
13 Jun
11 Jun
@Erdayastronaut @Peter_J_Beck @RocketLab
10 Jun
9 Jun
Congrats! It always amazes me that there are still big/old players in a field that I thought I was familiar with.. I have seen many A/B testing tools but somehow never yours, I must be living in a different Google bubble. Guess that shows that there is always room for more players.
7 Jun
I also wrote about a few I find useful, biggest one is 'Sane Color', it changes the text to be black on white. (Some sites have very hard to read colors, and sometimes I prefer light mode over dark)
7 Jun
I've only had to update it two times to fix bugs with android upgrades,so all in all not too bad. Google did once randomly pulled my app without warning (just an email after they pulled it) for violating some terms, without stating what terms. I couldnt get any useful feedback, eventually I just bumped the version number and rewrote the description, that got met back on the store. But it did make me very weary of building anything their platform.
6 Jun
I built an Android app a few years back as a project to learn native Android coding, its been making around $300/month from sales/adsense. Its fun to read and reply to reviews every now and then.
4 Jun
That would be quite ironic :) I dont see it though, would you mind pointing it out? Are you talking about spellling, because that one is intentional (and even underlined) to show an example.
4 Jun
This looks quite impressive, how does it work with dynamic (per user) content? If I have such a vue site for example, do I have to modify anything to get it to work? The pricing mentions unlimited bandwidth, but limited requests. what counts as a request?

I'm actually running a service that does lighthouse checks (amongst other things) so nice to see more people focussing on making things faster. You can see the report for your site here, there are some minor issues it found:

4 Jun
RT @Erdayastronaut: Woah! I think this is the first time we’ve seen the actual deployment of #starlink satellites!!! Super cool! Congrats o…
2 Jun
Looks quite nice, its a bit confusing on your site though that the tooltip just always displays, I think you should add a toggle so it works as a tooltip there also :)
2 Jun
2 Jun
RT @pagewatchdev: PageWatch now includes performance reports powered by Google Lighthouse. Test your site for free…
23 May
Started following CERN
23 May
3 May
New follower: Pieter Holtzhau
1 May
Your signup page does not show at all on an iPad. (I made a tool to find these kinds of errors, you can see the results here: )
27 Apr
Started following Curiosity Rover
27 Apr
Only if you take away the middle lens, not the third.

Here's what I would have thought happens: After the first lens, you get polarized light, 90deg offset from the last lens, so no light passes. Then you introduce a 3rd lens in the middle, 45deg offset. This could alter the polarization (maybe it widens the band, or introduce some greater variance, shifts it who knows), and this is why now some light will pass through number 3. No need to create any light

26 Apr
I have seen the example with the polarized lenses in a few places, but they dont explain why (imo) the simplest explanation does not apply. Namely that the lens itself might disturb the phase of the light, which would then mean it can pass through the next lens.
26 Apr
Bell's theorem. It somehow proves that quantum physics is incompatible with local hidden variables, but I could never see an understandable explanation (for me at least) of just how it works.
1 Apr
Started watching valentinvieriu/stylegan2
1 Apr
28 Mar
19 Mar
Well I just signed up and tested one of my Heroku apps, got it working with just a few clicks, really impressive. Are there any way to see stats like memory usage? What happens if an app goes over the limit? (heroku has some swap space before it kills an app, and then I can see it in the logs)